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Best Holistic Health Supplement
Manufacturer 2023 - Netherlands
Specialising in bringing Clean Label
nutrients, vitamins, and minerals to the
market, Health Tribe is a company that
ultimately has its sights sets on a greater
purpose. Not only does it seek to imbue the
industry with some of the most accessible
and effective health supplements, but it
avidly utilises its platform to spread much
needed awareness that the community has
been lacking. Below, we venture through
Global Director and CEO Sandra Deira’s
hopes for Health Tribe, and how her vision
has manifested in recent years.
Throughout its lifetime, Health Tribe has been encouraging people
from across the globe to actively review their wellbeing, and provides
a means for them to improve their lifestyle. By monitoring global
social aspects and developments that have been prone to causing
a multitude of lifestyle issues throughout the years, Health Tribe
managed to identify where the pitfalls of the industry were, and
more so how to fill said gaps. Now, it plays a significant role in the
lives of athletes and the everyday person alike – through its health
supplements, it’s able to incorporate much needed nutrients into an
individual’s diet in order to help maintain balance within the body.
Health Tribe accomplishes this through leveraging its twelve years Whether it’s spreading the word, or organising workshops and
of experience in products sales and customer guidance, whilst also seminars to help educate individual athletes, teams, coaches,
relying on the expertise of specialists and analysts with over 40 personal trainers, and club board members, Health Tribe is steadfast
years of experience in coaching and training athletes. As such, it has in its resolve to get the message out. Holistic and tissue specific
garnered an intrinsic understanding of what it takes for individuals to nutrients could well and truly save lives, and the sharing of fairly
perform at their highest levels, through which it managed to develop unknown knowledge could mean the difference between losing a
its renowned health supplements. Its vision and mission go hand in cherished sporter, and helping to drastically lower the potential of
hand – Health Tribe exists to introduce a holistic approach to the sudden cardiac arrest within athletes from happening whatsoever.
fitness and nutrition industry in the form of high end, Clean Label Truly, Health Tribe’s passion lies in this subject, and its determination
products. This approach has been a mandatory quality that Health to share its findings with as many people as possible is a beyond
Tribe has upheld since its inception. admirable part of this wonderful collective.
However, there is far more to Health Tribe than its products. What Despite its inclusion in our fitness and nutrition awards supplement,
truly allows Health Tribe to shine is its avid dedication to spreading Health Tribe is undeniably a holistic company that believes in creating
awareness of devastating conditions that aren’t typically spoken of products that are readily available for anyone, athlete or not, young
within the industry. One issue, in particular, is the event of sudden or elderly. It holds an immense commitment to accessibility, hence its
cardiac arrest amongst sporters and athletes. Despite the lack of adherence to bringing exclusively Clean Label products. Free from
talk about the phenomenon, it’s a frequent occurrence within the synthetic fillers, caffeine, artificial sugars, slaughter house waste,
world of sports – one that plagues young and older athletes alike. It and pesticides, Health Tribe’s products are comprised of 100% pure
seems as though we only learn of such issues when they occur on ingredients, each formed from unique compositions. As such, there
a higher sports level – such as the incident with Damar Hamlin, a are no limitations – regardless of age, lifestyle, religion, or dietary
widely known NFL player – but Health Tribe is utilising its platform preference, Health Tribe is here to introduce a better way of living.
to bring attention to this dangerous and pressing matter within
the sports community. And with personal experience following the Contact: Sandra Deira
sudden, and incredibly tragic, cardiac arrest of Sandra’s eldest son Company: Health Tribe
in 2008, this mission to raise awareness is one that Health Tribe Web Address:
holds close to its heart. Instagram: @wearehealthtribe
10 GHP Fitness & Nutrition Awards 2023