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Global Awards



                                  An interview with

                                 SANDRA DEIRA
                                 HEALTH TRIBE’S FOUNDER

          Supplementation dates back decades to the mid-20th century, as clinicians back then looked to address health issues through singular   system but it does so much more. For instance,   lot of professionals will provide advice on   products. Flyers are printed on recycled paper
          vitamin supplements, but the industry has grown exponentially since then and today, supplements are focused on delivering well-  it contributes to normal collagen formation   various factors such as breast milk, nutritious   and products are stored in environmentally
          rounded nutritional support. Four years after the global pandemic, achieving optimum health and wellness is understandably an    for the normal function of blood vessels. Just   food, and supplement use. Getting the right   friendly warehouses from where goods are
          important consideration for people across the world – but regular exercise and disciplined eating are just two factors in a three-point   imagine what a chronic de ciency would   information in the  rst years can help the   shipped straight to customers.
          process, with quality supplements providing that nutritional boost which supports many of the body’s everyday processes and even   mean to the functioning of your blood vessels.   newborn to make huge developmental steps.
          improves your appearance.                                                                                                        Also, minerals like magnesium and selenium                            What does the future hold for Health Tribe?
                                                                                                                                           are less concentrated in our daily diet. This is   That being said, ensuring we bring only the   Are there any exciting new partnerships
          Amsterdam-based specialist Health Tribe is a true family-run venture that’s operating on a global scale. Led by its founder and Global   understandable as our vegetables and fruits no   best products to market has nothing to do   in the works or plans to introduce new
          Director, Sandra Deira, the organisation delivers quality supplements with a view to supporting overall health and wellness for its   longer contain the same levels as 30 years ago.  with di erences in age but rather with the   product ranges?
          customers, whilst also providing the lifestyle guidance that goes hand-in-hand with these products. Health Tribe’s incredible success is a                          production and quality procedure we have in
          product of Sandra’s clear vision and her dedicated team, and we spoke to Sandra about her inspiration behind the company, its Beyuna   Can you tell us about the Beyuna range?   place for the complete range. Our products   The future looks very promising. Since we
          supplement range, and Health Tribe’s future progression.                                                                                                            are free from synthetic ingredients and  llers   don’t just look at demand but also at the social
                                                                                                                                           We always feel very privileged to introduce   and each batch is independently analysed for   environmental changes and expectations,
                                                                                                                                           our product range to consumers. The quality   contaminations, heavy metals and doping   exciting new products are in the making and
          What inspired you to establish the Health   diet, and exercising as well as having fun times   Regular intake for a well-rounded nutrient   of the ingredients, hand  nished production   and will only make it to market once clean   are planned to be introduced in 2024. We are
          Tribe?                             with family and friends and avoiding stress.   support with essential vitamins and minerals   and process sets it apart from other brands. Its   and certi ed. It’s also registered in a Dutch list   also looking into expanding into new markets
                                                                                will contribute to your immune system, bone                target audience varies widely from the young   equivalent to the U.S. PDR for chemists, MD’s   and invite those in the UK, Europe and the
          There were many reasons for establishing   Our personal participation in a long-term   health, heart health, and energy and vitality.   to the elderly and caters to a range of dietary   and (para)medical professionals. Omega3, Vit   U.S. who are interested in becoming part of
          Health Tribe. We realised as consumers   cohort research initiated in 2011 by the   Circumstances might require more intake of   preferences such as vegetarians, vegans and   D3 and vitamin C will, on average, have most   this narrative to join us on this extraordinary
          just how ignorant we were and that useful   Amsterdam University Medical Centre, in   some products. For instance, athletes may   religious beliefs. Beyuna Bright is the latest   parents’ attention when they have stopped   voyage. Whether one is a future partner,
          insights and extensive information were not   cooperation with the Amsterdam municipal   require more focus and concentration to   product in the range and it contains ingredients   breast feeding.  a passionate advocate for wellbeing, or
          commonly shared. Just like most people, we   health department, made us realise that   perform or support their body to recover from   that support learning capabilities and memory                   someone on the cusp of change – book a free
          relied on mass media – such as TV and radio   various ethnic communities hold on to their   an injury or health incident.        performance – health claims which are   Alongside caring for the health of its   discovery call through our website.
          ads – but we also valued the information   original diets, way of cooking, lifestyles                                            currently pending approval from the European   customers, the Health Tribe is also greatly
          shared by the salesperson behind the counter.   etc. resulting in ignorance and possible   In your opinion, what are the essential   Food and Safety Authority (EFSA).  concerned with the health of our planet.   Is there anything else you would like to
          Later on, we realised that they were just as   vulnerability and increased risk factors in   nutrients we most commonly are not                                     Can you tell us more about the company’s   add?
          ignorant as the consumer and were unable   health. We feel that Health Tribe could play   getting enough of?                     What about Tribe Kids? How do you   sustainability commitments?
          to have an in-depth conversation about the   a crucial role in reaching out and bridging                                         ensure you select only the best products                              We are obliged to comply to claims
          necessity and quality of nutrients,  llers and   the gap to educate communities through   Blood tests have shown that many people   to support the likes of children’s brain   All natural ingredients in the Beyuna range   formulated according the EFSA (European
          how to interpret the information from product   live events and seminars. In Q1-2024, I will   around the world have a chronic de ciency in   function and physical health?  are grown without growth enhancers or   Food and Safety Authority). We therefore
          labels. Let alone that far-reaching information   organise our  rst o ine event with the work   Vit D3. In fact, Vit D3 supplementation is either                   pesticides. Farmers earn a fair income and   cannot share anything else about the product
          could be given about half-life or retention   title ‘A Black Man’s Heart’. We already organise   mandated by governments in some countries   Young parents are usually interested in doing   child labour is unacceptable. Fishing is done   range than how it is speci cally phrased,
          time. Over the counter advise is merely   Dutch spoken livestreams for all Dutch   or is provided in the health insurance packages   the right thing for their kids. They actively   in a  sh-friendly manner under the GOED   dictated and approved.
          focused on and within the bandwidth of one’s   speaking countries and the Dutch Caribbean.  that people can choose from.         seek information for a healthy pregnancy   principle. Pots are degradable and DPA free,
          budget. Nowadays, people are more open to                                                                                        and a healthy start of their baby’s life. A   so void of any substances that could a ect
          listening and learning. They understand that   Can you tell us more about the bene ts of   We see that blood tests also show that people
          health is not just achieved by taking products   taking supplements regularly and how they   are becoming increasingly de cient in vitamin
          but that it goes hand in hand with lifestyle   can improve our overall health?  C and that hardly anyone has an optimal level.   Explore Health Tribe’s range of supplements for adults and children, order online, or book a free discovery call today by
          changes, paying more attention to your daily                          Vitamin C is often associated with the immune
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